The two panzers on the end were done last year for the Worlds and have a black wash, the ones I did last night had a Devlen mud wash so are a bit browner looking.
I also made these 3x road sections for the club using the last piece of cork I had lying round.
Hedges for TAG- WIP
In the past hour I've done these- 18 lengths hedges (10x 20cm, 8x 15cm long).
The bases are made from 3mm MDF. I glued a 1cm x 7mm high strip of balsa along the middle of the MDF then built up banks using some plaster. While the plaster was still wet I dipped it in my sand mix. Then a few minutes later the whole thing was covered in watered down pva and put outside to dry. In the next hour or so I'll undercoat them black.
Nice work on the terrain Craig. Armour looks great too.