Showing posts with label Modular Dungeon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modular Dungeon. Show all posts

Thursday, December 11, 2014

More Dwarven Forge caverns

Kent ended up being busy last night so I got some more work done on the new Dwarven Forge caverns for our Dungeons and Dragons games.

The painting is coming along nicely.  This time round I only bought 3 core sets and 4 add-ons as in our games we tend to just break out the tiles for larger battles so only use a couple of rooms at a time rather than explore a whole dungeon. Still, I'm keen to get some more add-ons once they are available though the Dwarven Forge store. Unfortunately the light is a bit washed out this evening but still, you get the idea.

And with the painted waterways set added:


Monday, December 8, 2014

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter

Last week my new Dwarven Forge cavern tiles, which were part of their second kickstarter, arrived.

So last night the first set got a quick paint- mainly a very heavy drybrush and detailing a few fungi. I need to give the fungi a wash to tone them down a bit but am happy with the way they turned out and  I like these ones even more than the dungeon tiles from last year.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

More Dwarven Forge Completed...

Did about 50 tiles last night down at the bach.Still plenty to do but we are starting to get a dungeon's worth.

Three sets + rewards now completed. With the rewards there are a lot more pieces than I was expecting. I'm not sure I will need the other 5 sets when they turn up. Of course they would make for an epic dungeon assault game some day... 

A couple of Dungeons from the Caves of Chaos.

The Kobold Lair
 One of the Orc lairs
 Random action shot- more Reaper Kobolds.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dwarven Tiles- a quick dry brush

A very quick dry brush and the tiles are ready for action.

I simply drybrushed a dark grey

 Then a light grey highlight- done!

And a couple of comparisons with the unpainted tiles. 

Still, plenty more to do!


Friday, October 18, 2013

Dwarven Forge kickstarter arrives

The first part of my Dwarven Forge kickstarter arrived today- just in time for this week's game of Castle's & Crusades :)

I have a few days painting ahead of me...

As you can see there are a few more boxes to open- and I've the same ordered again so maybe I ordered too much! 

It should look great painted up!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter

The kick starter concept is one of the better uses of the internet. Kind of like Dragons Den meets gamer geeks without the awkward stumbling through your pitch to the Dragons- come up with a cool new idea and pitch it to the masses, those interested pledge money and when the target is reached the company has enough capital to fund the project and the backers get rewards for their investment. A hundred or two here and there (or less) is much easier to get than several thousand from dubious corporate suits. Seems like a winning concept to me!

Dwarven Forge are a long established terrain making company, I love their stuff, but was never allowed to sell the children to buy some so when they released their game tile kickstarter concept I resisted for about... a day (not bad really). I must admit a couple of the guys in our gaming group have been backing a few kickstarters lately (we are about to see the rewards from Reaper miniatures when Nigel is inundated with plastic minis for D&D)

Dwarven Forge Kickstarter

So I ordered 3 sets. I must admit that these days I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate buying anything for the US. Why? Simple: 3 sets $175 US + postage of...wait for it...$100 US- about $120 NZ. Someone is taking the piss and ripping us off big time. It is not Dwarven Forge I am blaming here it is all postage out of the US these days. I have bitten the bullet this time but it is probably the first purchase from a US company I've made in over a year simply as their postage rates have become ridiculously high compared to the rest of the world. Let's compare postage out of the US with postage from the UK. I an order a similar amount of gaming products from the likes of Wayland Games or Warlord Games in the Uk and pay...NOTHING. Guess which side of the Atlantic my gaming dollars tend to get spent these days.

That little rant aside, I've bitten the buullet and ordered. The $50,000 kickstarter goal to start this project was reached within 3 hours and they are now nearing $500,000, which means more rewards to pledgers are being unlocked so it seems a pretty good scheme. Only drawback I see is having to wait 6 months or so till they are released!

With the so far released bonuses for when different dollar goals have been reached my order is looking at:

Total 2x2 Straight Walls:                                66
Total 2x2 Floors:                                            54
Total 2x2 Corner Walls:                                  24
Total Swinging Doors:                                     9
Total Diagonal Walls:                                       6
Total Diagonal Half Floors:                            0
Total Pieces:                                       159

So roughly $NZ2 per piece even with the send it with is own economy class seat airfare included.

For those into D&D and other RPGs like we are these are well worth a visit. Just don't look at the postage rates:)


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Modular Dungeon

My experiments with modular dungeons for Dungeons and Dragons continues. I hit upon the idea of using real grout to fill in the gaps between the blocks on the field stone blocks but wasn't hppy with the end result. I have since decided n a new method but yet to see it finished. Once the walls are glued together I intend to paint them with PVA glue which should fix most of the holes. Then I'll use the same simple painting scheme (which stands out more).
  • black undercoat
  • dark grey
  • light grey drybrush
While in Christchurch I picked up some casting plaster, its not as good as Ultracal 30 but at only 20% of the price ($18 vs $100) it will do. The main issue is it has a tendency to have the odd small bubble on the mould, but some experimenting and it seems if you pour a wet pour (very runny plaster) this is very negligible. I'm happy enough with the results that I will continue to use this stuff.

I experimented using some roofing silicon as water on my sewer system but was not happy with the result. Luckily the silicon peel straight off so didn't destroy the piece. have discovered a company called Norski that makes resins for crafts and so have ordered some clear resin to cast water- now that will be an experiment. it should be here in the next few days.

I managed to buy a lot of LoTR Goblins on impulse yesterday and will (at some pont) make a Moria army out of them- I might try out the new Kings of War rules with Finn and see if he likes them.

A few pictures of the modular dungeon.

As you can see for stability I decided to go with a double thickness wall. The lighter grey sections are the grouted wall. Also, I decided to only go two rows of blocks high so it is easier to see what is going on. this is especially important so that Nigel, who is in a wheelchair, can see the action without too much hassle. It seems a reasonable compromise.
