Sunday, February 9, 2014

More 28mm DAK & a few trees

A bit more progress on my 28mm DAK tonight, finishing off the basing HMG and mortar teams. The minis are the new Perry metals, as per usual they are very nice but the MMG is a bit of pain to put together.

 With Day of Days only a couple of weeks away tonight I decided to make a few treelines for one of the tables I'll be bringing. I bought the trees from China last year but hadn't gotten round to basing them. I am very happy with the way they've turned out.

I was hoping to get a game of Bolt Action in this week using my 28mm DAK and 8th Army forces but we really need to do a bit of playtesting for Day of Days so they guys are going to come round for a game of FoW doubles on Weds night. I want to modify Free For All as one of the missions so need to see if the changes are viable.



  1. Great work on the Germans Craig! Wonderful photos, very very nice!

    1. Cheers Rodger, the light is not bad for taking photo in the games room...when I turn it on :)

  2. Nice DAK troops and wonderful terrain. Your table layouts are always impressive and inviting for gaming. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean. There are plenty better tables round but now and then I get inspired to improve them a bit- a never ending process that sometimes gets neglected a bit much.

  3. How did you make those roads? They look great!

  4. Hi James. I cut strips of felt about 2" wide by 12"-18" long. I then cover them in a common gap filler (no more gaps down here) and use a nail to scrap ruts into the surface. Once the gap filler dries I paint it. They are nice and flexible and very cheap to make.
