A wee summer project.
I have decided to replace my current orc army with one based
n GW models. The initial concept was (is) to run an all mobile Gore Rider force
based around 4 regiments of gore riders and some chariots but I also want to build up my infantry
forces as well to run a more balanced combined arms force.
Absolutely love the GW Boar boys models, light years ahead
of the mantic gore riders, and have been happily putting together a few
infantry regiments as well. I picked up some second hand orcs as well as a boar
boys set and have been happily hacking arms off the old monopose 2 hand weapon orcs
and adding weapons arms from the orcs boyz mob to make the figures more interesting.
I’ve never actually been a fan of the GW cartoon orcs much
preferring the LoTR/Mddle Earth/D&D (1e/2e) orc aesthetics and so wanted to
avoid the BAH (boring as hell) Goblin green skinned orc look. Tolkien described
orcs as sallow skinned or swarthy so I’ve gone with a a sallow skin tone based
on Vallejo Ochre green with a wash of GW Athonian Camoshade to give it a
greenish hue which is then highlighted with yellow ochre. I am quite happy with
the way they are turning out
My plan to differentiate infantry units is as follows:
- Great ax- Two hand weapons armed orcs
- Longax: Spear armed orcs
- Ax- axe and shield armed orcs.
The Gore Rider regiments. The boar boys are large minis and 6 fit on the base comfortably and doesn't look too spares.
The first infantry regiments- a regiment each of Greatax and Longax. In front are two wardrums which are very importnat for the orcs in KoW to boost their nerve. The wardrum on the left is by Mantic the one of the right made out of some of the second hand mini's I bought for this project.
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